The Montgomery MPO Year 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan was adopted by the Montgomery MPO on July 1, 2010. To assist in the development of the 2035 LRTP, the MPO contracted with Mr. Rod Wilburn, an independent consultant, in November 2008 and with Jacobs in January 2009.
The Montgomery MPO 2035 LRTP was developed in cooperation and coordination with local, state, and federal planning partners, as well as the general public. The LRTP development proceeded with full cooperation and coordination from all local jurisdictions, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The process has closely followed federal regulations and requirements. The transportation plan began with an evaluation of the area’s transportation network. The review addressed the spectrum of elements that comprise the area’s mobility network and development. Since the 2005 Base Year is not a US Census survey year, some data had to be updated from 2000 to 2005. The 2005 base number of households was aggregated from the 2000 US Census data and building permits issued between 2001 and 2005. The 2005 employment data was obtained from InfoUSA, and then the data was individually confirmed by MPO staffers. The school data was obtained from the Alabama Department of Education, while the daycare enrollment was obtained from the Department of Human Resources and confirmed by MPO staffers. It also researched land use and development patterns, transportation system infrastructure inventory and operations, as well as multimodal facility utilization. Stakeholder and public outreach and involvement were key components of the LRTP process.
Throughout the process, special efforts were made to interact directly with citizens, stakeholders and local governments throughout the region. Meetings were scheduled in Montgomery, Prattville, Millbrook and Wetumpka with presentations that highlighted the plan’s findings for each area. The MPO staffers coordinated with local City and County staff to determine future population and employment growth. The consultation process between MPO planners, TCC members, CAC members, member city, and member county staff enabled each municipality to determine the population and employment characteristics of their area in 2035. The LRTP development was covered in the local media, such as general circulation and the MPO internet site. The net results can be seen in the recommended list of programs and projects that have identified transportation needs, potential solutions and local priorities.
The 2035 LRTP Document Organization: Section 1 provides introductory material, Section 2 and 3 describes the plan development process which includes the technical, quantitative, and qualitative means used to develop the LRTP. Section 3 also provides the planning context for analyzing the transportation system such as current trends, development patterns, socioeconomic characteristics, and demographic factors. Section 4 presents the inventory of the transportation system by mode. Section 5 describes the identified needs of the transportation system based on technical analysis and the tools used to do technical analysis. The financial plan and discussion about transportation financing are presented in Section 6. The long range transportation plan program of projects is included in Section 7, which includes a concluding discussion of plan implementation and future planning efforts.
Document Downloads
Due to the size of the Montgomery MPO Year 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan, the option to download the document in totality or in parts is available below:
Whole Document Downloads:
Final 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) (40MB PDF File)
Final 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Appendix (29MB PDF File)
Partial Document Downloads:
Cover, Committee Membership, and Resolution
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Plan Development Process
Section 3: Montgomery Planning Environment
Section 4: Transportation System Overview
Section 5: 2035 Long range Transportation Plan Performance-Travel Demand Model Base and Forecast
Section 6: Financial Plan
Section 7: 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Program of Projects
Appendix A – Key sections of the Montgomery MPO Public Involvement Plan and Public Outreach Documentation / Comments
Appendix B – Environmental Justice and Other Underserved Populations Equity Report
Appendix C – Social and Environmental Factor Equity Report
Appendix D – Bibliography / List of Sources
Appendix E – Model Development Report
Appendix F – Bicycle Suitability Analysis Results
Appendix G – Glossary of Terms