
The objective of the Montgomery Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is to update the existing 2035 LRTP to ensure that the region’s current and future multimodal transportation operations, conditions and needs are identified and met. This occurs through an assessment process that determines where the region currently stands, where it needs to be going, and how best it can get there. A key element of the plan development process is updating the four-step travel demand model, which will utilize a base year of 2010 and forecast year of 2040. Recommendations will identify projects and strategies to manage/mitigate/minimize congestion throughout the Montgomery area. Multimodal improvements for mixed-use, dense development and redevelopment activities, as well as access management principles and strategies, will be emphasized. A key outcome is identifying a prioritized list of cost feasible projects to address multimodal needs. Plan development and documentation will be accomplished through a joint effort by consultant and MPO staff, and will also ensure compliance with recent federal and state planning guidance.

Role of the Public and Stakeholders

Public participation, by means of proactive outreach and feedback opportunities throughout the plan development process, is a key component to developing a plan that meets the community’s needs. The LRTP update will rely on the existing MPO board and committee structure and membership, which consists of the Policy Board, Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC), and Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). In addition to regularly scheduled and specially called committee meetings, public involvement meetings will be held at three key milestones in the update process: following completion of the existing conditions review, during needs assessment and project identification, and after development of the draft recommendations. Coordination with MPO staff will ensure meetings are conveniently scheduled and well publicized to encourage broad participation. The MPO website will also be utilized to distribute 2040 LRTP related information, materials and documents.

Schedule of Activities

A nine-month schedule has been developed for completion of the four-phase scope of work, the phases are as follows:

  • Phase 1—Plan Initiation
  • Phase 2—Model Development & Update Activities
  • Phase 3—Model Application & Documentation
  • Phase 4—Plan Development

A series of Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) board, Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) meetings were held in November 2014, January 2015, March 2015, June 2015, August 2015, and September 2015. Public meetings were scheduled for the following:

  • February 2015: Focus on socio-economic data.
  • July 2015: Focus on the Draft Montgomery Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) with a 15-day public review and comment period

Socioeconomic Data

As part of the Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), socioeconomic data is gathered, analyzed and forecasted utilizing the following tools:

The analysis can be found primarily in Chapter 3 of the Final Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).  A sampling of socioeconomic maps in the Final Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) are as follows:

Public Involvement: January 2015

The Montgomery Metropolitan Planning Organization held hold four (4) public involvement meeting in February as part of developing the Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a planning document that will outline area transportation needs and priorities for the next 25 years.  The meeting detailed socioeconomic data collected, analyzed and projected in accordance with the Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).  Comments were requested from public, private and government stakeholders.  The public involvement meetings were in “open house” format.  MPO staff and consultants answered questions about the various displays of information to include socioeconomic data, natural resources, and other useful information.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Involvement Meetings Set for February 2015 for the Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update

Public Involvement: July 2015

The Montgomery Metropolitan Planning Organization held hold four (4) public involvement meeting in July as part of developing the Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a planning document that will outline area transportation needs and priorities for the next 25 years. The purpose of the meeting was to present the Draft Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and request comments from public, private and government stakeholders.  A 14-day public comment period was held in conjunction with these meetings.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Involvement Meetings Set for July 2015 for the Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update

Final Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

Final Montgomery Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan 

Final Montgomery Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Appendixes 

Montgomery Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Public Involvement Summary 

DRAFT Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Amendment #1

FINAL Year 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Amendment #1