What is Public Involvement?  Public involvement is the process of involving the public in the early stages of the transportation planning process through completion.  Public involvement is a critical component in the transportation planning process. Through meaningful consideration and input from interested citizens, needs from all modes of the public transportation system become a shared mission with technical planning staff and policy makers. For the transportation community, involving the public in planning and project development poses a major challenge. The Montgomery MPO’s transportation public involvement goals, policies, and procedures are described in the Public Involvement Plan or P.I.P.

The goals of the Montgomery MPO public involvement process include:

  • Raise the level of understanding of the transportation planning process in the MPO transportation study area and identify how interested citizens can become involved.
  • Provide the public with opportunities for involvement in the transportation planning process.
  • Identify and involve traditionally underserved communities (those communities with high concentrations of minority, low-income, or elderly populations) in the transportation planning process.
  • The Montgomery MPO’s public involvement goals, policies, and procedures are described in the Public Involvement Plan or P.I.P

For Public Involvement Documents Click on the Links Below

Draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

FY 2023 UPWP Budget Public Notice

Comment Form Draft FY 2023 UPWP

Montgomery MPO Regional Freight Plan DRAFT Final Report

Montgomery MPO Regional Freight PlanPresentation

 PUBLIC NOTICE Montgomery MPO Transportation Meetings Anouncement for Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program

Public Notice MPO Meetings July 2011

Montgomery Study Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (Adopted 9/24/ 2003)

July 2010 MPO Meeting

June 2010 LRTP Public Involvement Meetings

June 2010 Meeting Announcement

Montgomery TCC Advisory Announcement 2035 LRTP Project Review & Select Meeting 05/05/10

Public Notice MPO TCC CAC MeetingAnnouncement March 2010

Initial Public Involvement Meeting 2035 LRTP

2010 Annual Rebalance/Update of FY 2008-2011 TIP

Technical Summary for TIP 2010 Rebalance Public Involvement 10/13/09.pdf

TIP Public Notice Public Meeting For October 22, 2009 10/8/09.pdf

Draft 2008-2011 TIP 2010 Rebalance 10/07/09.pdf

Comment Form TIP 2010 Rebalance Update 2008-2011 10/13/09.pdf

FTA Grant Projects

Public Notice Advertisement for FY09 FTA Grant Projects 07/10/09

FTA 09 Technical Summary

MATS ARRA Stimulus 2009 Grant 04/17/09

Airport Intermodal Grant FY2007,2008,2009 Amend 07/06/09

MATS FY09 Capital & Operating Grant FTA Draft 05/22/09

ITS Acquisition & Implementation FY2009 Allocation 07/09/09

Comment Form FTA Grants FY2009

2030 Long Range Transportation Plan Amendment Number Two (2).

SAFETEA-LU Compliance Table

Year to Date Cost Spreadsheet

Technical Summary for the Year 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan Amendment2

Comment Sheet 2030 LRTP AMENDMENT2 03-17-09

Enviromental Justice Report Proposed Wares Ferry Rd @ I85 Interchange 03-16-09

Final Copy of Appendix I Financially constrained Needs Plan and Aspira(version1) amend2

Montgomery MPO Proposal to Amend2 the Year 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan Document March10

Public Notice 2030 LRTP Amendment2 3-17-09

Draft Congestion Management System Plan 2009-2013

Draft Congestion Management System Plan-Public Notice

Draft Congestion Management System Plan-Technical Summary

Draft Congestion Management System Plan-Comment Form

Final Public Involvement Plan (PIP)