The transportation planning process for state and local governments, specified in the United States Code 134, Title 23, requires that a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) be designated in urbanized areas with a population exceeding 50,000 persons. The MPO is designated by an agreement between the Governor and local governments within the MPO study area. The MPO is responsible for having a continuous, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans, programs and projects that consider all transportation modes and support metropolitan community and economic development and social goals.
The voting membership of the MPO includes local elected officials, one Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) representative, and the City of Montgomery Director of Planning and Development. The MPO considers transportation planning goals and objectives along with the financial and social consequences of the proposed transportation plans, programs, and projects.
The MPO is supported by two advisory committees, the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). The Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) provides the technical guidance for the planning process. It is composed of planners, project engineers, transit managers and various other professional persons who can determine if developed plans will be feasible for the MPO study area. The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) provides advisory input from a citizen’s perspective on plans, programs and projects in the MPO study area. A full-time professional planning staff is provided by the City of Montgomery. The MPO planning staff supports the MPO, TCC, and CAC.